Use the async method in a sync call

From: SO

.Net 4.5

Just use this:

.Net 4.0

Use this:

…or this:

And AsyncHelper is also helpful:

Improve perfrormance of WP7 multiple IsolatedStorageFile.ExistDirectory calls

In my new project, I need to check the isolated storage to get if the Directory is exist, but if the directories have the same parent directory, we can first call isf.GetDirectoryNames(Path.Combine(“Downloads”, “*”)); to get the directories and then using strings.contain(xxx), after all, performance is fine.

With a lot of isf.DirectoryExists:
About cost 1.1s
With GetDirectoryNames and strings.contain(xxx)
After change the code, cost 0.11s.

How to create a branch from WP78 to 80

Please following these steps: 
1.right the trunk(include WP78 repository), choose branch/Tags 
2.navigate the combobox to “branch/80” ok. the solution, update the specified project 
5.remove the WP78 tiles from App.xaml 
6.remove the unavailable references and replace them. 
7.remove the package.config, it`s just contain WP78 nuget informations. the nuget packages. 
9.if you meet the vm:Locator not exist, you can update the MVVMLight using nuget, after all error has fixed, you can see the not exist error is disappeared. 
10.commit the new solution.