2017年3月9日 / kirito / 1 Comment
When we meet the error in visual studio like the following below:
fatal: could not read Username for ‘https://github.com’: terminal prompts disabled
Solution: Open the command line, navigate to the folder and git push origin master. We can find there will be a prompt to ask you to input the github username and password. Just do it!
2017年1月10日 / kirito / 0 Comments
1. Uninstall YouTube
2. adb shell
3. su
4. mount -o remount,rw /system
5. mkdir /system/app/YouTube
6. Download the adAway apk here
7. Move apk to /system/app/YouTube
8. chmod 644 /system/app/YouTube/yourAPKFileName
9. mount -o remount,ro /system
10. Restart your Android device.
This is a YouTube AdFree solution for Android Root users with someone who do not want or cannot install Xposed framework.
2016年9月13日 / kirito / 0 Comments
1. Build the latest mono from source. You can also install from apt-get. But if the source code contains C#6.0 code, you’ll get error. The build process like following:
apt-get install git autoconf libtool automake build-essential mono-devel gettext wget http://download.mono-project.com/sources/mono/mono- 842 cd mono- tar xvf mono- cd mono-4.6.0 ./configure —prefix=/usr/local make make install |
2.Download nuget from release. And also download Microsoft.Build.zip
3.Get the Nuget projects:
chmod +x NuGet.exe ./NuGet.exe restore your_solution.sln |
4.Build the full solution: